Thursday, November 11, 2010

Red Hand Roulette

So a few of my really good friends started a band up in Portland. They asked me if I could draw something for them, that fit their style.

bourbon skeleton

dark and classy.

you guys should check 'em out, they kick all kinds of ass.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cross-eyed Heart eating tiki

Howdy everyone,
Sorry I haven't updated this thing in a while. I've been all sick, but I'm feeling better and a lot less disgusting now.

heart eating tiki

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween! and a bonus monster, Bub!

First off, Happy Halloween everyone! I hope everyone had a horrifyingly good time.

My Halloween was pretty lack luster. I just stayed home. I turned down a party 'cause I thought I was gonna figure out some stupid personal stuff, but that ended up not working out...

halloween 001

but did I let that get me down? No Sr! I panted up my face like a Calavera, did some art, and...

Lit shit on fire!

Now on to art.
So my last drawing sucked, hard. Because of that I drew Bub to make it up to you guys.

Hope ya' like him!