Friday, February 25, 2011

Mini update and the first Friday Night Doodle!

Yesterday I turned 20 years old. I'm no longer a teenage delinquent, now I'm just a plain 'ol menace to society.

I suffer from a pretty bad case of Peter Pan syndrome, so I normally freak out real bad on my birthdays. I decided yesterday I was going to have fun rather than spend the whole day in the fetal position like I have in the past. It paid off, I ended up having a great time. I went to a shooting range, ate fish eyeballs, and watched RoboCop with my family.


As you can see, I am now a mature adult.

Alrighty, now on to the art! I'm going to attempt to draw something new every Friday evening, and post it here (hence the title "Friday Night Doodle"). Don't expect any masterpieces or anything.

Here's the first doodle, Mutant Micky.

Mutant Micky

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